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Our Terms Of Service (TOS) Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

Please read and fully understand these terms before joining our site and return to this page from time to time in order to be familiar with any updates to the terms.

By becoming a member (a "Member") of the Swinging Community Site (the "Site") you agree to abide by and be bound by these Terms (the "Terms"). Swinging Community reserves the right to make alterations or changes to these terms at any time and without prior warning, new terms and conditions will take effect immediately at the time of posting so it is your responsibility to check back often.

Your membership of this site is for your own personal use only, you may not sell, transfer or give access to your account to others for any reason whatsoever.

The terms of this agreement shall remain in force for as long as you remain a member of this site. You are a member of this site until such time as either you the member or us the site terminates your membership.

You agree that you have fully read and will abide by our strict Anti Spam Policy at all times!

Who Can Become A Member.

You must be Eighteen (18) years of age or older to become a member of this site and enter into this agreement with the exception of residents of AL (Alabama), MS (Missouri), NE (Nebraska), WY (Wyoming) who must be Twenty One (21) years of age. Residents of other states or countries should ensure that they are of the legal age to view or particate on this site. If you are offended by explicit images, video, audio, messages or other forms of media that may be found on this site then you should not become a member of this site.

Email Communications And Promotions.

You agree that by becoming a member of this service that all emails sent from our system to you to notify you of new replies, new features or occasional special promotions or any other communication from us concerning your member account are sent completely solicited and with your explicit permission and cannot be deemed as spam or unsolicited commercial email of any kind. If you do not wish to receive email notifications from this site then please either do not join, turn off email notifications in your profile settings or send us a request to remove your member account from our system. Any members found to have reported notifications from this site as spam will be terminated without warning, this includes clicking "This Is Spam" in AOL or "This Is Junk" with other email providers to block further emails because this generates an automated spam complaint to AOL or other providers and cripples our ability to legally send notifications to our members who actually do wish to receive them.

Personal Safety.

You agree that we are not responsible for your personal safety while using this site, communicating with other members of this site or while physically meeting others through this site. While we would never give your personal details to other members of this site and strive to protect your anonimity, we cannot be held liable for threats to your personal safety or any other harm. You agree that it is your sole responsibily to perform your own due diligence on other members you meet or communicate with through this site. Members should be aware that if they give out personal details such as their name, address, telephone numbers etc that you do so at your own risk. Due to the nature of this site in that the primary purpose is for physically meeting others you accept that we do not perform background checks or any other form of checks on any site members and therefore you share your personal information with or meet these people at your own risk.

You agree that we shall not be held responsible for the accuracy or honesty of our member's profile information or be held responsible for any member contracting an STD (Sexually Transmitted Disease) from another member of this site.

You may not harrass, threaten or intimidate other members of this site for any reason whatsoever. If you believe another member is in violation of this agreement then you should report the matter to us immediately.

Copyright Issues.

You may not reproduce text, images or other media from this site without our explicit permission unless said content is marked by us as public domain. You may link to pages on this site from other sites but are not allowed to hotlink to images or other media without our explicit permission.

Gallery And Profile Images Etc.

You may only upload and display pictures that belong to you or that you have explicit permission to use if they feature third parties. You may not upload or display copyrighted images from other sites (This includes from adult and joke sites) or hotlink to them as this will constitute a clear violation of our terms of service. You accept that you are solely responsible for any images you upload and that you cannot hold us responsible for anything that members or other third parties may do with your personal images.

Members with single profiles agree that they may only upload images with themselves in them and while it is ok to show pictures of yourself with other parties (providing you have their explicit permission of course), you may not show pictures of other parties that do not include you in the photograph. You should be the main subject in any pictures you display. If someone who has previously given you permission to display their picture revokes that permission at a later date, you should remove any images with that person on them immediately.

Images must not contain email addresses or web links or any other personal information.

Images must not contain images of children, no matter how innocent the pose may be!

Images cannot depict sexual acts with animals or anything else generally perceived by the majority of people as obscene.

Other Material Posted On This Site.

You may not use copyrighted articles, jokes, quotes or any other type of media in your profile that does not belong to you unless the source it came from clearly marked it as public domain. Note: Just because a site does not display a copyright notice does not make material found on that automatically public domain. This is a very common misconception that is believed by many people and will not be considered as a defense here.

You also understand that we reserve the right at all times to remove material at our sole disgression that is in our opinion deemed to be offensive, illegal, constitutes a copyright infringement or other any other issue that we consider to be counter productive to our other members or this site. You will not use this site to publish links to illegal copies of software (Warez), cracks or serial codes, copyright protected music or videos or other forms of pirated media.

You may not use this site, your profile or our internal mailing system, chat rooms or any other media on this site to harrass, intimidate, harm, threaten, promote racial hatred, promote religion, promote smear or hate campaigns, promote politics, harrass members because of their sexual orientation, political beliefs, religious beliefs or violate the rights of others. Members may not use our site for defamation, libel, slander, vindictive or personal attacks likely to cause others harm, fear, embarrassment, anxiety or any other injury.

You are solely responsible for any material you publish here, it is deemed to have been published once you have submitted the material to the site by either clicking the submission button or any other method of submission.

No ads for or discussion of pedophilia or child pornography are allowed on this site with the exception of adding comments to profiles in the negative such as "No Kids or Toilet Sex" or similar. We reserve the right to divulge the details of anyone found to be promoting pedophilia or child pornography to their local Law Enforcement Agency.

We shall not be held responsible for medical advice or sexual advice given by our members in forums, groups, messages, chatrooms or other forms of media on or linked from this site. If you take the advice of others, then you do so completely at your own risk and we would strongly advise our members to seek medical advice from a properly qualified professional.

We shall not be held liable or responsible for any losses, injuries or damages arising from use of this site whatsoever. We shall not be held responsible for damages, losses or injuries arising from incorrect information or any untruthful information displayed in profiles on this site.

You fully agree that any pictures, text or media you submit to this public or members areas of site may be used by us at our own disgression with the exception of emails or images posted into private galleries. You agree to grant us and declare that you have the right to grant us an irrevocable worldwide license to copy, reproduce, edit, publish, display, use in sole or in part, sublicense or to use in any way that we deem fit. This does not however mean that we will deliberately infringe on your privacy by making your pictures public or including your profile and pictures in search engine listings such as Google. Surprisingly if you type in your username for other similar sites into Google you will often find your picture and profile meaning so can neighbors, friends, family members and colleagues if you use the same identity for email or instant messenger programs etc. This site will never infringe on your privacy or violate the golden rule of discretion in this manner.

You accept and understand that in order to maintain the performance of the site for our members that sometimes we may have to disable or limit features if they are found to be causing performance issues. This may be but not limited to limitations on how long data such as mail, invites, forum postings, group postings etc will remain or other such limitations we may impose for any reason.

You accept that you may not change your profile to deliberately mislead others, be deceitful or to avoid member blocks set in place by other users. Single persons pretending to be couples is a violation of our terms of service and so is any member(s) opening multiple accounts to avoid blocks by other members.

The use of malicious code or excessive code tags in the html editor for Essays answers that can damage, infect or lag other members computers. You may not include scripts which disable the web browsers back button or load popups, banner ads or take users to other sites.

Impersonating an administrator of this site or phishing for passwords is a clear violation of our terms of service. You may not use this site to attempt to spread Trojan Horse Programs, Viruses, Worms, Malware, Adware or Spyware. An administrator of this site will NEVER ask you for your member account password ever!

You may not publish your phone number, email address, last name or home address in your public profile. This is to protect you from stalkers, predators and other unwanted invasions of privacy.

You may not use your profile to sell products, services or to promote other sites that are similar in nature or purpose to this site. You may not use our internal email service for the promotion of products or services to other members or to encourage others to participate in illegal activities or schemes.

You may not solicit or charge other members of this site for sexual services or favors (Prostitution), webcam or phonesex sessions, erotic email, picture posing or any other manner of sexual service.

Last Updated: Thursday, December 18th 2008 at 5:34 am